Voice Retreat for Actors & Voice Actors

14-21 th of September 2025 - Samos/Greece

Use Your Voice as a Powerful Instrument
Recharge Your Energies
Empower Your Artistic Essence

Through this journey, you'll refine your voice by reconnecting with the primal, enabling you
to speak with impressive urgency,
playful & effortless
Teaching language is English or bilingual: English/German. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch oder zweisprachig: Englisch/Deutsch.
This body based voice retreat fulfills two goals at once:
artistic growth and recharging energies
The hidden residence, Villa Eva, is exclusively reserved for workshop participants and creates a community of like-minded individuals
where you feel supported and understood. Look forward to inspiring conversations that enhance your artistic development.

Enjoy a worry-free time, as everything is taken care of.
From a fantastic workshop that advances your growth to full board to a private beach. Everything is designed to enable you to recharge your batteries, both artistically and personally.
Let Go, Relax, Recharge!

The private beach invites you to hang out and swim. We will use the private beach also to combine breathing and voice work with the elements: water, wind, sun, and stone. This will help us gain a deeper understanding of how the voice is connected to nature and how language emerged from the landscape.

Soak up the warmth of the sun on your face to revitalize both your personal well-being and your artistic spirit.

Work Space with stunning sea view

This work space was crafted with an abundance of love, ensuring that the ambiance of affection will infuse your work, nurturing your artistic growth.

The huge windows keep you connected to nature and the vastness of the horizon. This will help you feel the expansion of your chest as your breath drops in and to release tension from your breath, granting your voice newfound freedom. The unbroken connection to nature serves as a constant reminder of the origins of voice and language within the landscape.

Experience not only artistic nourishment but also personal rejuvenation here.

Space for Community

To eat together in a community of like-minded people, to share laughter, exchange experiences, and support one another – this is one of the secrets of the Blue Zones, where people joyfully reach the age of 100 and beyond and lead a healthy and happy life.

Here, you'll experience thoughtful care, with three Mediterranean, vegetarian meals that not only nourish your body but also complement the awe-inspiring sea view, enhancing your sense of personal well-being.

If you should require anything extra, my assistant is at your service, ready to get whatever you need from the nearby village.

For a worry-free and fulfilling time.

Grow without pressure,

make unexpected discoveries

on how to use your voice!

Collaborating with others without the pressure of being liked or succeeding will help you nurture your artistic essence and grow beyond your limits. Simultaneously, you will learn tools and skills, empowering your voice and enhancing your presence.

Your handling of language and articulation will become more precise and at the same time more organic.

You will work on your outstanding voice by "Bringing language back to appetite-related grunts and groans dealing with life and death issues, with hunger and lust, experienced in the belly and expressed with a roar originated deep in the body.“ (Kristin Linklater). You'll also experiment with how voice and language originated from nature.

After a lot of input -
let your soul dangle in beautiful places

During the lunch break or after dinner, there are many beautiful places where you can take a break to process your new experiences.

Enjoy the magnificent sunsets

At the end of the day, enjoy the magnificent sunsets. Whether alone or in a group on the terrace by the sea, enjoy a glass of Greek wine and let the day end harmoniously as the sun bathes the world in color.

Who guides you through the journey
of your voice transformation?

It's me, Susanne,

the head of GIVING VOICE an institution for Professional Development & Acute Help for Professional Voices. With over two decades of teaching experience, I've had the privilege of imparting knowledge to more than 1500 actors, speakers, and singers, while leading over 100 Linklater Voice seminars.

I'm passionate about nurturing your authentic voice, helping you find freedom and resonance.

My teaching is known for its generous support, precision, inspiration and for meeting each person where they are.

I believe in the perfect blend of challenge and enjoyment.

When you join me for a retreat, we'll boost your voice's freedom, power, and presence.

It's not just my profession; it's my way of life.

'Voice' is all about freedom, both personally and artistically.

I look forward to helping you unlock your true potential

Are you curious to uncover the content

awaiting you in the workshop?

Through your entire journey, you'll refine your voice by reconnecting with the primal, enabling you to speak with impressive urgency, playful & effortless and to express yourself in an existential, direct way.

Those are the three main aspects:

Sound & Movement

by Kristin Linklater

Building connection between

you and the text

Embodying Language!

Out of your analytical brain

deep into your body!

To help you to perform

playful & effortless

and to express yourself in an existential, direct way.

Exploring Text Work

with the Elements

Building connection between

you, nature and the text.

Feeling the elements water, wind, stone, you will explore the effects of sensory experiences on the text.

You will ground yourself with nature and uncover a newfound ability to connect with your text on a profound level.

Make the Poet's Perspective Your Own

Building connection between

you, the author and the audience

Discover how the words of a good poem are charged with deep impact and address universal experiences.

Create pictures in both your and the audience's mind to create a strong connection between the audience and the text.

You will achieve significant breakthroughs in the following areas
  • Experience Your Freedom
    • in a short period, the process will allow you to experience significantly more physical freedom in your acting. This will provide you the opportunity to experience the liberating sensation of completely organic acting, which is both playful and effortless.
    • when your muscles are free, so is your voice, allowing it to convey your emotions, both intense and subtle
    • This is a transformative process that will profoundly change your acting and elevate your stage presence to a more powerful level
  • Trust Your Intuition
    • you'll learn how to step away from your analytical brain and how to approach text intuitively and minimize self-obstruction during your performance
    • Finding your way into the text will become a quicker process
  • Enjoy Primal impressive urgency
    • your voice will connect with its primal, animalistic origins so that you will experience an urgency in your body and in your voice that helps your character fight for their goals with greater intensity.
    • your articulation becomes a full-body performance, connected with the origin and vital necessity of speaking, organic and precise

Tatiana Savina

Linklater Voice Teacher, TV presenter, Actress
Participant in the Voice Retreat Samos 2023

"I am so inspired. I think I am taking a whole new step into my life"

Tatiana Savina
Participant in the Voice Retreat Samos 2023
Sound & Movement
What's in store for you?
The workshop guides you step by step away from your analytical thinking towards an intuitive, playful ease and your primal instincts to make your acting more authentic, thrilling, and provocative. It will surprise and touch your audience.
It all starts with a free breath! The idea of free breathing as letting go in a sigh of relief will be linked with text work. When you only need to breathe the words and not speak them, the pattern of the text appears free, playful, and effortless in the breath. Images emerge, along with a deep emotional connection between you and the text. The breath will bring you into the space and move your body.
Let your breath do the work for you! You will be in the moment and experience freedom and playfulness.

Tatiana Savina & Anna Baldina @Samos 2023
Starting from the suggestive idea that the voice can originate from various parts of the body, we will assume openings in different body parts, naming them "Body Mouths". These are first activated individually to produce sounds. Then let them engage in conversation with each other: What conversation is happening between your knee, your right buttock, and your left elbow? How does your text change when you speak it through your different Body Mouths? While this may sound strange, it's actually a lot of fun and offers a truly transformative experience for your voice, body, and soul.This exercise will bring you into the moment and allow you to experience the power and freedom of your voice.
Anna Baldina & Anne Werner @Samos 2023
Colors & Communication
Through the imagination of colors, you experiment with your text. In every language, colors are found in the description of emotions: "Feeling Blue," "Green with envy," "Seeing red." What happens when you let colors shape your text? Does your text embody two different colors, one for desire and fear and another for sorrow and anger? In partner work, the focus is on creating genuine communication: genuinely wanting to change your partner and being willing to be changed by them. It's simple to create true communication when you try to change the color of your partner!
Anna Baldina, Tatiana Savina, Leonora H. Scholz, Anne Werner @Samos 2023
You will explore and understand how primitive vocalizations led to complex language, how they conveyed emotions, and encoded various experiences. You will examine all consonants and vowels. How did they originate? What feeling did our ancestors have when they first uttered a sharp "sss"? Does the "U" exist in all languages because we mimicked the wind with it? What if a "p" were an invisible alien and took possession of your body? How would it move your body? The exercises will immerse you in the emotional realms behind the letters and transform your articulation into a full-body expression.
Anna Baldina, Tatiana Savina, Leonora H. Scholz, Anne Werner @Samos 2023
Special add-on: As you will dive into the words and meanings, you will start to feel the strong power and depth behind each word, capable of touching the core of human emotions.
During this process, you begin to step away from your own personal perspective, entering a space of the collective human experience that the text represents.
You will transform these experiences into vivid mental images that you project onto the "canvas" of your diaphragm, and from there, you translate them into voice and words to build connection between yourself, the text, and the audience. This part is adapted from the 'Haiku Work' by Kristin Linklater.
From Voice Work to Textwork
Tatiana Savina working on a Haiku with three lines
You are in the midst of nature, experiencing the elements with all your senses. It makes a huge difference when you explore the origins of language while gazing at the sea, tasting the salty air, and feeling the sand beneath your feet, compared to emerging from the subway and having another job in the evening. Nature won't just be present; we will also incorporate the elements into our work, both in warm-up exercises and text work. This might look like the way my colleague Gabriele Parillo works.
Video is edited from "Giving Voice" un documentario die Alessandro Fabrizi. You can watch the full version here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/givingvoice
Anne Werner - Schauspielerin
Ich habe für mich erkannt, was für meine Stimme funktioniert. Ganz ohne es vom Kopf oder von der Technik her zu denken, sondern ganz aus dem Körper aus dem Gefühl heraus. Was ich vorher in der Form nie herausgefunden habe.
Anne Werner @Samos 2024
Leonora H. Scholz - Schauspielstudentin
ch habe hier endlich die Entspannung gefunden, ganz bei mir selbst zu sein und mich von diesem Kern aus auszuweiten, Raum einzunehmen.
Leonora H. Scholz @Samos2023
Here is your timetable for the week
2025 of September 14 th–21 th
You cannot wait until the journey starts?
Take a look at the house and rooms where you'll be staying.
They're so beautiful!


There are only 5 rooms for the participants, so the single room is more expensive, because the workshop fee then also increases.

If you absolutely need a single room when booking, the fee is €1780,-

If you want a double room but you're not coming with a friend and we can't find anyone for you, you have to upgrade to a single room for €250 -300.

If you can't wait to go to Samos, book your free phone call with me. You can then ask me as many questions as you want.

If we both find that this is the right path for your artistic and personal growth, I will send you a registration link.

Yes, I am in,

can't wait to go to Samos!

If you want to book your workshop space, click the button and choose a date for your free phone call.

Travel Help
Google Maps Position of the Location Retreat "Villa Eva"
Airport: Airport, Samos, Greece
Port: Vathy (Vathi), Samos, Greece

So you can plan your route from the airport or port

to the retreat center "Villa Eva" Aigos Nikolaos, Samos

This is a little help. You can plan your journey simply with a flight or start it as an adventure with a ferry and a stopover.

A lot of flights arrive on Sundays at Samos Airport, find out what the connections are from your city. From Berlin the shortest way is Berlin -Thessaloniki (Ryan Air) Thessaloniki - Samos (Sky Express)

Ferry Connections, more ferryconnections

Ferry connections from international airports to port Vathi, Samos Island:

from mainland Greece:

Thessaloniki-Vathi, (Start Thessaloniki Saturday 9pm Arrival Vathi Sunday 12:40 pm, Departure: Saturday 1:55 am)

Pireus (Athen) -Vathi. Arrival: Start Friday 6th at 3 pm arrival Saturday:1 am, Departure Sunday: 1:35 pm)

from Greek Islands:

Rhodos -Vathi (Arrival: Friday 6th, Departure: Monday 3:55 am)

Lesbos/Mytilene - Vathi (Arrival Thursday 5th or Sunday 8th, Departure: Sunday 1:55 am)

Mykonos - Vathi (Arrival:Start at 7:50 pm Mykonos Arrival Saturday, Vathi, Departure Sunday 1:30 pm)

From the Turkish Mainland:

Airport Izmir or Bodrum take bus or taxi to port Kusadasi: Arrival:Sunday (start 8:30 am- arrival 9:15 am), Departure (Sunday 8:15 -7pm) It's a every day ferry connection.

Giving Voice – Weiterbildung und Akuthilfe für Profi-Stimmen
Susanne Eggert
Reichsstr. 29
14052 Berlin
+49 (0)15201709115
St.-Nr. 13/ 272/ 00284 Finanzamt Charlottenburg
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